Professional Bowler Salary – How Much Do They Actually Make?


Bowling is not just a pastime; it is much more. Quite a lot of people pick it as a  career, making huge sums of money, and living a luxurious life. If I tell you the jaw-dropping amount that a pro bowling player makes, you’ll get a spin in your head. Anyways, since you’re looking for how much do professional bowlers make, I think you are damn serious about bowling. 

There is no quick and straight answer to the question of how much a professional bowler makes. In addition to the yearly money, award, sponsorship, and brand deals impact the income of a professional bowler. 

Here is all about how much do pro bowlers make and how they make it happen. And if you are going to choose bowling as a career,  how much you can make. I will also show the chances of making money in this industry. 

Do You Know How Much A Professional Bowler Makes?

Bowling is a thriving business. Bowling alleys across the country make millions of dollars of revenue each year. Then what about the people who make it happen? What about the professional bowlers? How much do they make?

Believe it or not, professional bowlers really make a huge amount of money. In fact, they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Some even make more than a million. It is not only the salary I am talking about, including sponsorship and other deals they get this amount. 

Currently, bowling is a moderately popular game in the world. Here money may not flow as it does in the NBA, but it is a multi-million dollar industry where money talks at every step for sure. However, it is better to keep in mind, that bowling is a less popular game that is still rising now. 

What Is The Average Annual Salary Of Pro Bowlers?

Basically, professional bowlers’ salary depends on their performance as well as which league they play in. Less or more,  a professional bowlers’ average salary is around $43,000 in the USA. You’re thinking this is not enough to maintain a standard lifestyle in the USA, right? Well, this is just the annual salary of a professional bowler which does not include tournament prizes, sponsorship, and other deals. Nonetheless, according to zip recruiter, top earners take $98,000 annual salary in the USA. This goes at the lowest of $16,000. However, a majority of pro bowlers get a $78,000 annual salary

Even though the annual salary is not enough for an athlete’s living expenses, they have other sources of income such as sponsorship, brand endorsement, and trophy prize, and overall they make a handsome amount of money per year. 

If Professional Players Get Sponsors, How Much They Earn From It?

Like all other professional athletes, Bowlers make a significant portion of their income from sponsorships. Sponsorships can come in the form of cash, products, or services. For bowlers, sponsorships can be a major source of income. Usually, they sign multi-year contracts with the sponsors at a time.

In order to attract sponsors, bowlers must have a strong follower base. They must also be able to generate exposure for their sponsors. That means the bowlers must be good at promoting their sponsors and their products or services.

Bowlers typically receive a percentage of the money that their sponsors make from the sales of products or services. Sometimes, they may also receive a signing bonus or a fixed salary from their sponsors. Sponsors also pay for the bowler’s travel and living expenses in some cases. However, some of the top multinational companies, such as Coca-Cola, Nike, and Sneakers can sponsor more than ten thousand dollars for a player while the local sponsor pays less. 

Sponsorships can be a major source of income for the bowlers. By signing multi-year contracts with sponsors, bowlers can secure a stable income that helps to support themselves as well as their families.

Know-How Much Professional Women Bowlers Make Money – Are They Well Paid?

In general, professional women bowlers make significantly less than their male counterparts. There are a number of factors including fewer participants, minimum promotions, etc are behind

The Ways Professional Bowlers Make Money

There are a few different ways through which professional bowlers make money. The most common way is to win tournaments and receive a prize money payout. Other ways that professional bowlers make money include sponsorship deals, merchandise sales, and prize money bonuses.

Local Tournaments

Local tournaments are one of the ways that professional bowlers can make money. Many professional bowling tournaments offer bonuses to the winners of certain events. These bonuses can be for winning the tournament, winning a certain number of games, or bowling a perfect game. You can even make money just by participating in the tournament without winning a title or games. 

This is only possible if you are a popular pro bowler. Popular pro bowlers usually do TV advertisements to promote a certain product and that brings a lot of money to their wallets. If they can do multiple advertisements per year, it alone can ensure more than a few hundred thousand dollars. Another way of earning money is by putting on sponsored jerseys that have an advertisement on them. Advertisements on the playing jersey give a  really handsome amount. 

Event Management

As a professional bowler, you can either host a bowling event to earn money or join an event to get remuneration from it. Usually, a major percentage of bowlers’ income comes from event management. This is a great way to make money at the beginner level. Since you cannot earn a lot of money by just playing the game, it helps you set your benchmark of success in this industry and carry your game. 


Sponsorship deals are a big source of income for professional bowlers. Sponsors can be companies that make bowling balls, shoes, or other bowling equipment, or they can be companies that are not directly related to bowling either. Many professional bowlers have sponsorship deals with companies that make products other than bowling equipment, such as energy drinks or automobile companies.

this wage gap. Especially, due to fewer women pro bowlers, publicity never reached its peak. This in turn has caused less sponsorship and endorsement for them and that affects the overall income of the women bowlers. 

Interestingly, their salary is not much less than men’s. On average, they get USD 35-40 thousand per year. Yet this is less than that of the men. 

If women’s bowling gets as much promotion and advertisement as men’s, it can grow better and earn better global views. Also, it requires a lot of women bowlers’ participation to make an impact on the entire industry. Thus, women bowlers can do similar or even better in the bowling industry than men. 

Know About The Highest-Paid Professional Bowler

The highest-paid professional bowler is PBA Tour player Walter Ray Williams Jr., with career earnings of $4,900,000. Other high-earning PBA Tour players include Jason Belmonte ($1,521,000) and Wes Malott ($1,402,000).

Walter Ray, born in 1963, won the maximum PBA title and is the all-time record holder with 47 titles. Not only that, but he also won more than 100 PBA titles, including local leagues. Indeed, he got most of his money from the prize money, but this huge success also gave him huge popularity. Therefore, he has a lot of sponsorships, brand endorsements, advertisements, and other income. 

Future Potentials For Bowling Salaries

The bowling industry is growing rapidly, and with that growth comes an increasing demand for skilled bowlers. As the industry continues to expand, the salaries for skilled bowlers are expected to rise.

In recent years, the bowling industry has seen a surge in popularity. Thanks to the Olympic Association in part to the increase in bowling alleys and the introduction of bowling into the Olympic Games. This growth is expected to continue as more and more people become interested in it.

As the industry expands, the demand for skilled bowlers will also increase. This will lead to an increase in the salaries of skilled bowlers. In fact, experts predict that the average salary for a professional bowler will be more than double in the next decade.

So if you’re looking to make a career in bowling, now is the time to do it. The industry is growing rapidly, and the demand for skilled bowlers is on the rise. So, start practicing now, and you could be on your way to a six-figure salary when you graduate to a next-level bowler.

What It Takes To Be A PBA Member? – Know The Facilities

Let’s get to know quite a bit about the largest bowling association in the world. The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) is the top professional bowling organization in the world. Established in 1958, the PBA has more than 3,000 members who compete in tournaments around the world. PBA is dedicated to promoting and developing the sport worldwide.

So, how does a bowler get considered for PBA membership? There are a few requirements that must be met in order to be a member of this organization:

  1. The bowler must be at least 18 years old.
  2. The bowler must have a current USBC (United State Bowling Congress) membership.
  3. The bowler must have a current PBA average of at least 200 points for the last 12 months with at least 36 games played in this period. 
  4. The bowler must be able to pass a drug test.

If you meet these requirements, you can apply for PBA membership. There is a $50 application fee, and the bowler must pass a background check. If the bowler is accepted, he or she will be a full-fledged PBA member and can compete in PBA tournaments.

Okay,  why should you get this membership? Well,  it gives you entrance to the PBA training center with a minimum fee, along with discounted jerseys and easy entry to countless PBA tournaments. 

Final Thoughts

So that was all about how much do professional bowlers make. Still, there is no money like in  other popular sports. But it can be changed if PBA takes some actions, such as working on the ground level, using social platforms to promote the game, making the game more interesting, etc.

Yet pro bowlers make enough money to live a lavish life. But expanding this industry could make a lot of people live by earning a handsome amount of money, which will be the consequence of making one of the most popular games in the world. And that is what you, as a pro bowler or bowling fan, can expect. With that being said, let’s hope for a bright future for the bowling industry.