About Us

Hi, Jeffery Robinson here.

A passionate sportsman and a blogger.

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way.

– Satchel Paige

That’s one of my favorite quotes from the greatest baseball player Satchel Paige.

I don’t mind losing a game, but I do mind giving up.

Ok, that’s another story. I will manage some time again to discuss my career and how honest I was in giving all the efforts to win a game.

As I said, I’m an avid sportsman who loves to deal with all sorts of sports, both indoor and outdoor.

While table tennis and lacrosse are two of my most favorite sports, at the same time I can play so many other sports like soccer, basketball, etc.

Besides my sportsmanship, I also must introduce myself as a blogger who loves to review different sports gear and write tips and tricks about different games.

Let me introduce this blog now.


What to Expect From This Blog?

Consumers Sports is entirely focused on delivering reviews on sports items mentioning all the upsides and downsides of each of the items.

Besides reviewing different gears, teaching the readers with some useful tutorials is another task I aim to perform with this blog.

How Do I Select a Product for Reviewing?

Well, first off, the obvious: I’m not biased to any particular brand while I choose a gear for reviewing.

I consider some of the crucial factors related to that gear like below to make a shortlist –

  • Its usability, durability, user acceptance.
  • Its cost-effectiveness.
  • What other real users are thinking about that gear.
  • How well the brand stands behind its customers.
  • And of course many other product-specific parameters.

That means I’m assuring an unbiased review guide on whatever gear I choose to review.

What do I write in the Tips and Tricks Part?

There is no definite answer to this.

I write whatever I think is useful to my readers. It can be a rule of a sport or a hands-on guide to learning that particular sport.

It can be on maintenance tips of different sports gear, or it can be on taking the game skill to the next level.

Sounds good?

I would love to answer any of your questions. Please get in touch using the contact page.

Let’s share; sharing is caring.